Allied Health

“The past 10 years have witnessed the beginnings of the simulation for surgical training and we are still in the development stage of this movement. We need better models for surgical training that are realistic and not overly expensive… It is the first model developed for teaching the steps of a vaginal hysterectomy as well as other vaginal reparative procedures. I have practiced with this model and it is realistic with regards to size, shape and feel of tissue. Residents will be able to perform a vaginal hysterectomy or vaginal repair from start to finish on the model,… These competencies are an effort to assure that training is more standardized across programs, so that, for example, when a resident completes 4 years of an accredited Ob/Gyn residency, they will have demonstrated ability to perform necessary procedures for our specialty no matter where they trained.“
Leslie Kammire, MD
Associate Residency Director: Surgical Curriculum
Obstetrics and Gynecology

“As a designer and manufacturer of medical simulation models, we receive frequent inquiries from the market requesting multi-functional surgical trainers with advanced capabilities. Unfortunately, medical device and supply companies have been unable to follow through with the detailed and time-consuming development process that such invention requires… Dr. Miyazaki possesses both the expertise and commitment to satisfy this obvious need…This training model promises to provide the gynecological community with a long desired combination of interchangeable pathologies, real bleeding vessels, replaceable tissues for practicing dissection, suture, etc., etc. “